Articles on: CMS

Dorik CMS Basics

Getting Started

Dorik CMS platform is a fully featured content management system. Dorik CMS has all the features of Dorik Classic (except Export Code) + a built-in blogging system, membership, collections, white-label features, etc. This article will guide you through the whole CMS builder basics.

How to Open a CMS Site Dashboard

First, log in to your Dorik dashboard.
From the Sites menu, select the CMS tab.
Click the Edit Site button next to the website you want to open.

*Refer to the GIF below for visual demonstration:* ⬇️

CMS Dashboard Preview

After logging into your CMS site dashboard, you will see a preview of your site. The interface includes a Side Nav, a Top Nav, and the site preview.

Side Nav

CMS site dashboard has these options:

Add Elements: Use this option to add various elements to your site.

How to add an Element to a site?

Components: Access saved collections, symbols, and a prebuilt section library to easily drag and drop components onto your site.

How to use Components?

Pages: Access all the webpages of your site and customization option.


Global Styles: Set global styles for your site.

Global Styles Basics

Navigator: Easily access all components of your site.


Media Library: Access all the images of your site.

Media Library

Site Settings: Manage all global site settings.

Site Settings

Blogs: Access all the blogs on your CMS site, where you can write, import, and edit blogs by category.


Collections: Add and customize CMS custom collections.

What is Custom Collection?

Membership: Manage settings for the membership feature to get subscribers.

What is Membership?

Advanced Configurations: Access CMS site settings, manage team members, and handle custom domain options.

Team Member Roles and Permission


Custom Domain Configuration

Top Nav

This section provides options for page settings, version history, device responsiveness, undo/redo changes, previewing sites, saving, and publishing sites.

Page Name: Displays the name of the current webpage you are on.

Page Settings: Manage page information, language, integrate analytics, payment methods, and custom code. Refer to the documentation:

Page Settings

Version History: Access previous versions of your web pages, saved manually or automatically. Refer to the documentation:

Version History

Undo: Click this button to undo recent changes made to your site.
Redo: Click this button to redo recent changes made to your site.
Preview: Click this button to see a preview of your site design without publishing.
Save: Click the Save button to save changes as a draft without publishing.
Publish: Click the Publish button to make your site live and preview the live version.

How to Change CMS Site Name

Horizontal Line

Updated on: 09/06/2024

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