Articles on: Website Builder

Media Library

Getting Started

This guide will help you start using the Media Library, where you store all your site's images and videos. Learn how to upload files or generate images with AI to easily manage and add media to your website.

How to access the Media Library?

- Click on the Media Library icon in the left panel of the site dashboard.

- A modal will open, as shown below 👇🏼

- You will see Images and Videos tabs to browse the library-

How to Upload Images or Videos to the Media Library?

⏩ Image upload:

Click the Upload (📤) button from the Images tab in the Media Library editor modal. Refer to the GIFs and screenshot below to see how it works:

💡 Image size should be within 6MB.

⏩ Video Upload:

First, navigate to the Videos tab in the Media Library editor modal, then click the Upload (📤) button. Refer to the GIFs and screenshot below to see how it works:

💡 Video size should be within 16MB.

How to Use Images or Videos from the Media Library?


In the Images tab of the Media Library editor modal, hover over the image you want to use, then drag and drop it into the desired area of your site.

Refer to the GIF below:


In the Videos tab of the Media Library editor modal, hover over the video you want to use, then drag and drop it into the desired area of your site.

Refer to the GIF below:

How to edit Media Library Item?

By clicking the three-dot icon that appears when hovering over a specific item (image/video), you can access editing options. An editor modal will open, providing options to Rename, Copy Link, or Delete the item.

Three-Dot Icon

A Modal will open after clicking on the Icon

⚙️ Rename

You can rename any image or video through this.

You can copy the image or video link to reuse it in other places or share it.

🗑️ Delete

You can delete any image or video from the media library through this option.

How to use Components?

Fonts | Global Styles

Updated on: 06/06/2024

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