Articles on: Domain Configuration

How to connect Custom Domain with your site?

Getting Started

This article features the instructions required to add a custom domain to your website. Follow all instructions accordingly to get started.

Adding Custom Domain to CMS Site

Follow the steps below to add a Custom Domain to your site.

- Go to your website dashboard
- Click on Custom Domain under the Styles and Settings Panel on your left
- Step 1: Add your domain name
- Step 2: Copy the values from the Type records: A and CNAME, and paste them into your DNS records.

Refer to the GIFs and Screenshots below:

Go to your CMS site’s dashboard.

Click on the Advanced Configurations option from the left panel of the site dashboard and then click on the Custom Domain under the Styles and Settings panel

Enter your Domain name in Step 1

Copy the VALUE from the Type A record

Adding custom domain to Classic site

Follow all the steps below, to add a domain to your Dorik Classic website:

Log in to your account & go to Static
Select any existing published site where you want to add a subdomain
Click on ⚙️ from the lower right corner & a pop-up will appear
Select Custom Domain (without www) under Domain Type
Write your subdomain (For e.g. ) in the Enter your domain input field
Copy the IPv4 address (E.g of the A record value
Press Save Changes

The GIFs below demonstrate how to add a subdomain to your Classic site ⬇️

Namecheap Custom Domain Configuration

From Namcheap dashboard. Go to Domain List. And click Manage on domain you want to connect.


Then click on Advanced DNS


Click on Add New Record


Add 2 records like the following image. Replace the with the IP address shown on Dorik site settings. And replace the with your own domain. then click Save All Changes


DNS update may take few hours to take affect.

Related articles

📌 How to integrate Custom Domain with a Static website?

📌 Namesilo Custom Domain Configuration

Updated on: 17/07/2024

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