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Getting Started

The Blogs feature is designed for blogging sites, allowing you to add and categorize your blog posts. This article will guide you through the process of using the Blogs feature.

Navigating the Blogs Feature

Click the Blogs icon in the left panel of your CMS site dashboard to open the Blogs feature. Refer to the screenshot below:

Blogs preview

Basics of Blogs Dashboard

After opening the Blogs dashboard, you will see a left sidebar with two options: Posts and Categories. On the right side, you will find all your blogs and their customization options.

Left Sidebar

1️⃣ Posts: This is the collection hub for all published, unpublished, and scheduled blogs. You can import, add, and customize them here.

2️⃣ Categories: View and customize your blog categories in this section.

Refer to the screenshots below:

Left Part

Right Side

1️⃣ All Posts: Lists all blog posts. You can customize them here.

2️⃣ Published: Lists published blogs. You can customize them here.

3️⃣ Unpublished: Lists unpublished blogs. You can customize them here.

4️⃣ Scheduled: Lists blogs scheduled for future publication. You can customize them here.

5️⃣ Import Posts: Import blogs from WordPress, Ghost, Medium, and Substack to your Dorik site from here.

6️⃣ Settings: Manage all blog settings here.

7️⃣ + New Post: Click this button to add new blogs.

Right Part

Add New Post

Step 1: Click the + New Post button in the top right corner to open the post editor.

Step 2: Add the post title and content, then click the Publish button to make it live.

Step 3: Click the link(🔗**)** icon next to the post slug on the left side of the editor to view the live blog page.

Post Editor

In the post editor you’ll see the preview like the below screenshot:

1️⃣ Title: Enter the title of your post or blog here.

2️⃣ Content: Add all post content here. You can include text, headings, images, lists, quotes, tables, delimiters, public previews, buttons, tables of content, and raw HTML.

3️⃣ Save as Draft: While a post is live, you can edit it without making it live by clicking this option.

4️⃣ Publish: Click this button to make your post or blog live.

5️⃣ Post Settings: Customize post settings from here.

6️⃣ Open Link: Click the link (🔗) icon to open your live blog page.

Edit a Post

Step 1: In the right section of the blogs dashboard, select the blog you want to edit.

Step 2: Click on that post to open it.

Step 3: Make your edits.

Step 4: Click the Publish button in the top right corner to make the changes live.

Step 5: Click the Open Link icon (🔗) at the top left of your post editor to view the live page.

Post Settings

By clicking the Gear(⚙️) icon from the top-right corner of your blog editor you can access this option. Refer to the screenshot below:


To change or edit your post slug, modify the field here and then publish your post.

Schedule Date & Time

To schedule a blog post for publishing at a later date and time, you can set the timing from here. Refer to the GIF below for guidance:


An excerpt is a brief summary of your blog post, typically shown on the blog's homepage or in search results. It provides a quick overview to entice readers to click through and read the full content. You can add or edit the excerpt in this field and then publish your blog post.

Thumbnail Image & Banner Image

Thumbnails and banner images showcase your blog post on your website if you p**opulate an image element** with the “Banner Image” or “Thumbnail Image” CMS Field; they give your site visitors a visual idea about your post. Choosing the right thumbnail or banner images can be very effective in luring visitors.

Refer to the GIFs below:

Thumbnail Image

Banner Image


You can add multiple authors to your blog post. Up to five authors’ names can be added. And the data of your authors will be fetched from your Invited Team Members list. However, members with access to updated blog posts can change or update the Author names.


Setting post categories helps you and your audience find the topics you are looking for. This is a great way to organize your work; when you have a lot of posts on your blog, using categories can help you find the posts you are looking for when using the category panel from your dashboard.

To learn more about adding categories, refer to this link below:

Add a new Category

SEO Settings

This setting lets you add adjustments to your post to be more SEO-friendly. You can add keywords, index your post, add a canonical URL, and do much more with the SEO Settings feature.

To learn more about SEO settings, refer to this link below:

SEO in Blog Posts

Twitter Card

You can customize the Twitter card for your post with the Twitter card option. From adding a Title, Description, adding Image to customizing the card type.

💡 You can customize the card type you want using the Card Type feature.

Open Graph

Open Graph lets you customize what your blog post’s social preview might look like. You can add Title, Description, and add an image in the open graph feature.

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Updated on: 09/06/2024

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