Articles on: CMS

How can my clients log in to their site?

Getting Started

This article covers the process of how you can let your client log in to their site. Refer to the instructions written in this article for more details.

Logging in as a client

First, add your client as an Administrator team member on the Agency site. Check the below doc on how you can invite them as Administrator-

📌 Inviting a Client to Whitelabel website

Then, follow the given steps to log in as a client: 👇🏼

After a client is assigned a role as a team member, which is generally the Administrator role as it provides almost all privileges, and invited to the site, they will receive an email notifying them about the invitation, and a magic link will be provided on the email body. The client can use this magic link to log in to the site directly and then set their password.

This is what the Email will look like ⬇️

Method 2: Logging in through URL

Clients can log in to their site after you invite them as an Administrator on your site. If they are not already logged in, they can open their dashboard by typing their domain on the browser and then adding /dashboard/login after it.

This is what the login screen will look like ⬇️

Add agency branding

Dorik CMS Basics

Updated on: 10/06/2024

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