Articles on: CMS

Client Billing

Getting Started

With Client Billing, you can send invoices to your clients and receive payments from Dorik by connecting Stripe inside Dorik’s dashboard(

You can also track the payment status from Dorik’s Dashboard.

💡 This feature is only for Agency plan holders

Client Billing Configuration

To configure Client Billing in order to start receiving payments from your clients, follow the steps below:

From, click on your profile avatar at the top-right of your screen

Click on Agency Settings

From the Client Billing tab, click on the $ Create Client Billing Account button

You may enable test mode to test out the configuration process by yourself

Choose your country

Input the URLs to your Privacy Policy and Terms of Services in their respective input fields (these fields are mandatory)

Press Connect

After configuring Stripe, you will be redirected to your dashboard

You can unlink your account at any time by pressing the Unlink account button

Refer to the screenshots below to see these steps visualized:

From, click on your profile avatar at the top-right of your screen, choose Agency Settings

Step 1

From the Client Billing tab, click on the $ Create Client Billing Account button

Step 2

In the pop-up that appears:
You may enable test mode to test out the configuration process by yourself
Choose your country
Input the URLs to your Privacy Policy and Terms of Services in their respective input fields (these fields are mandatory)
Press Connect

Step 3

After configuring Stripe, you will be redirected to your dashboard

You can unlink your account at any time by pressing the Unlink account button

If you enable test mode while connecting stripe, then make sure to select test mode when you send billing requests to your clients.

Creating Invoices

To create invoices and send them to specific clients, follow the steps below:

Go to your specific client’s website dashboard
Click on Settings under the STYLES & SETTINGS panel
Choose the Client Billing tab on your right
Press the + Add Billing Request button
On the window that pops up, enter the following information below:

- Email (Required)
- Currency (Required)
- Amount (Required)
- Success URL (Required)
- Cancel URL (Required)
- Billing Type (Required)

Refer to the screenshots below to see the above steps visualized:

Go to your specific client’s website dashboard

Click on Advanced Configurations from the left panel of site dashboard

Click on the Client Billing under Agency Settings

Press the + Send Billing Request button

Enter the information and press Send Billing Request

💡 The invoices will be saved in both CMS Dashboard and in the main application(

There are 4 types of STATUS in an invoice:

- Pending: The billing request is sent and your client is yet to pay
- Paid: Your client has paid
- Expired: The billing request was sent but your client did not pay before the billing expired which is 24 hours.
- Deleted: You have deleted the billing request

💡 Once you send a billing request, invoice information will be added as shown in the screenshot below.

💡 If you find the payment status as expired then you need to send a new invoice to your client.


There are two types of SMTP Configurations

- Default/Dorik’s SMTP
- Custom SMTP

Custom SMTP

To use your own SMTP, enable the toggle of Custom SMTP and start inputting:

- Host
- Port
- Username
- Password
- From: An email address from where your client will receive invoices
- Reply to: The email where you will receive your replies
- Press Save

Payment Links

Clients will receive an email containing a payment link which will redirect them to a Stripe payment gateway for completing the payment.

Updated on: 10/06/2024

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