How to link a section of one page to a button/link on another page?
Getting Started This documentation will guide you through the process required to link a Section of any one page to a Button element on another page of your site using the Dorik website builder. That means if you click on a button on one page it will redirect you to a specific section of another page. To know the details, follow the below steps accordingly. Selecting a specific section of one page Follow the steps below to learn how to select a specific secPopularHow to Add Google Analytics on your Website?
Getting Started Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand. This article will teach you how to integrate Google Analytics into your website. Google Analytics Setup This part of the section will cover how to setup Google Analytics. If you have already done that you may refer to the second section of this documentation. To set up Google Analytics, follow the stepsPopularHow can I make a multilingual site?
Getting Started In this documentation, you will learn the process required to Make a Multilingual Site in Dorik with the help of a Custom Code element & Third-party app like Follow all the instructions below accordingly to know the details. Make a multilingual site using Custom Code To make your site multilingual in Dorik, follow all the steps below: Go to the site that you want to make multilingual. Create the same page withPopularHow to use Symbol/ Share common Header?
Getting Started In this article, you will learn how to share a common header using Save as Symbol. Follow the instructions below accordingly. Save as Symbol If you want to share a common header (Section or Element) in all your pages and want to control from one place. You can use Save As Symbol. To learn how to use Save as Symbol, refer to the article below — Save as Symbol Sharing a Common Header Follow the sSome readersHow to move Classic site to CMS?
Getting Started This documentation will guide you through the steps required to import a site from Dorik Classic to Dorik CMS. Follow the steps below to import a Dorik Classic site into a CMS Site. Exporting a site from Dorik Classic Follow all the steps below on how to export a site from Dorik Classic — Go to Dorik Classic & click on + New Website Or choose an existing site by clicking on Edit Site When creating a new website, you may choose any tempSome readersHow to transfer a project?
Getting Started In this documentation, you will learn how to transfer a project to another user’s account using a JSON file. Follow the instructions below accordingly. How to transfer a project Follow the steps below to learn how to transfer a project to another user's account — Open the project on the Dorik website builder that you want to transfer Click on the hamburger menu on the top navigation from yoSome readersHow to Create and Link Multiple Pages
Getting Started This article will guide you through the process of creating webpages & linking them on the right links. Create a new Webpage To add a new page to your website, follow the article given below: Once you are in your site dashboard, click on 📑 Pages from the left panel. After clicking Pages, a sidebar will appear. To add a new page, press + icon labelled as Create New Page & a new page will create. To save your page as a draft, uncheck the PublisheSome readersHow to Add Facebook/Meta Pixel
Getting Started In this documentation, you will learn everything you need to know about how to integrate ‘Facebook Pixel’. To know the whole process required to integrate this mentioned feature into your website, follow all the steps below accordingly. What does Facebook Pixel Do? The ‘Facebook Pixel’ feature is used to track visitors’ activities & interactions (specific button & link clicks) that occur on your website. You can integrate this feature into both your Dorik ClSome readersHow do I upload a Logo to my website?
Upload Your Logo You can upload your website logo in these following ways, Adding Your Logo If you already have a Navbar on your site, follow the steps below: Click on the Navbar, or select 'Edit Element' Expand the Logo option Upload your brand logo image There are no recommended size, you can resize and adjust your logo from the editor To redirect visitors to your Home Page, put a "/" on the Second URL input field as shown in the image below (https://storage.crisp.Some readersWhat should be the optimal size of an image on your website?
Getting Started In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about ‘What should be the optimal size of an image on the website’. To know the details, keep reading the documentation below. Why is image size important for websites? A website's image size is important for three reasons: — Enhances user experience — Speeds up website pages — Boosts website rankings Choosing the wrong image size can affect all three of these metrics simultaneously. ThereFew readersHow can I duplicate a section, row, column, or element?
Getting Started This documentation will guide you through the process of how you can duplicate a specific section, container, column, row, or element of your website in Dorik Classic or Dorik CMS. To know all the details about the process, follow the steps accordingly. Duplicating Components Follow the steps below to learn how to duplicate (Section/Row/Column/Element) — In your website builder, select the Section/Container/Row/Column/Element that you want to duplicFew readersHow to embed Custom Code to a blog post?
Getting Started You can use custom code in your blog post to make any unique customization or add additional functionalities using your own code to make your blog post more dynamic and appealing to your readers. Custom Code 101 Add a custom code to your blog post by following the given steps: Click on the Tab key on your keyboard to open the blog post content editor. Click on Raw HTML Write or paste your custom code on the given box (https://storage.crisp.chatFew readersHow to delete a Dorik Static Site?
Getting Started This article will provide you with the steps required to delete a site created on Dorik Classic. Follow the steps accordingly. Login Login to your Dorik account and you will be redirected to Choose site From your dashboard, choose the Dorik Classic website that you want to delete ( readersHow to Create a Portfolio Website?
Getting started We have some beautiful pre-built portfolio website templates for you. You can easily make a portfolio website using them. How to Create a Portfolio Website Follow the steps below to learn how to create a portfolio website: Log into your dorik account and go to CMS or Static Click on Create New Site from the top right corner Select the Portfolio checkbox & all the Portfolio templates will come to your screen You can see the preview of all templFew readersHow to embed Typeform on Dorik?
Getting Started In this documentation, you will learn the process required to integrate a Typeform Form into your website using Custom Code & Iframe element. Follow all the instructions below accordingly to know the details. Integrating Typeform Form using Custom Code To learn how to integrate a Typeform form in Dorik using the Custom Code element, follow all the steps below: Get the Embed Code from Typeform Once you created your preferable form insideFew readersHow to Integrate Hotjar with Your Dorik Website?
Getting Started This article will guide you through the process of integrating Hotjar with your Dorik website in just four simple steps. Integrating Hotjar Follow the below steps to integrate Hotjar on your dorik site- ⬇️ Log in to Hotjar: Begin by logging in to your Hotjar dashboard and then navigate to the Set up Hotjar option. Copy the SiteFew readersHow to remove GST from Paddle?
Getting Started In this article, you will learn the process required to Remove GST from Paddle. How to Remove GST from Paddle We use for our payment, and they handle the VAT/GST. There is 2 way to remove the GST. These are — You can add your VAT ID on checkout. Or, contact Paddle after purchase to refund the GST.Few readersHow to add "Call to" Action?
Getting Started In this documentation, you will learn everything you need to know about the ‘Click To Call’ Action or ‘Call To’ feature of Dorik. To know where the ‘Call To’ feature exists and learn how to use it with Dorik Classic or Dorik CMS, keep reading the documentation & follow all the steps below. What does the ‘Call To’ feature do? This feature allows users to contact you on a given phone number upon clicking a link, button, etc. (Check below to see the elementFew readersHow to add "Email to" Action?
Getting Started In this documentation, you will learn everything you need to know about the ‘Email To’ feature of Dorik. To know where the ‘Email To’ feature exists and learn how to use it with Dorik Classic or Dorik CMS, follow all the steps below accordingly. What does the ‘Email To’ feature do? The Email To feature in Dorik redirects users to their default email application on their device, from where they can send you mail. Elements that have the ‘EmaFew readersHow to embed a Podcast?
Getting Started You can easily embed a podcast into your blog post from various platforms. This article will show you how you can do that from various platforms. Embed a Podcast on a Blog Post Apple Podcast Embedding a podcast from Apply Podcast can be done in simple steps. Go to the page of the podcast episode you want to embed Click the Share icon. Select Copy Embed Code </>. The embed code will be automatically copied to your clipboard. Go back to your blog pFew readersHow can I change Website’s Home Page?
Getting Started This documentation will guide you through the process required to Change Your Website’s Home Page i.e. you can turn any other page into your home page easily in your Dorik website builder. Follow all the steps below to know the details. Changing Your Home Page Follow all the steps below to learn how to change the home page in Static — Once you are on your website builder, Click on 📄 Pages from the upper left panel. After clicking on *Pages,Few readersHow to add instagram feed on Dorik site?
To add an Instagram feed to your Dorik website, you have to generate an embed code using a third-party service such as WOXO ( / Flocker (, etc. and then add it to your site using the Custom Code Element on our platform. Note that it is important to ensure that the Instagram account that you are embedding from does not contain any harmful content.Few readersHow to remove Built with Dorik badge from live site?
Purchase a plan nowFew readersWhat is the speed of websites built with Dorik?
Websites hosted on Dorik don't have any speed limitations. We provide AWS and DigitalOcean Hosting with Global CDN located all over North America, Europe, Asia & Oceania, Middle East & Africa, and South America to serve websites faster. You can learn more about this from the following link: Hosting & CDNFew readersHow to embed Facebook chat
Getting started This article will cover the steps required to embed Facebook chat for your website. Set up Facebook Messenger chat To add Facebook Messenger to a website, follow these steps: Create a Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin Script Add the Messenger chat code to your website Generating a Messenger Chat Code in Meta Business Suite Here is how you can add Facebook Messenger to your website using Meta Business Suite. Go to your Meta Business Suite (https://storageFew readersHow to create perfect URL using subdomain in Dorik Static/CMS?
To make your site live with the dorik subdomain, you need to remove additional dots or special characters on your published URL. The idle solution for a perfect URL would be " " instead of " " Here's a video tutorial for your better understanding:Few readersWhy does animation not work on Mobile devices?
Our animation effect only works on the desktop version. We have disabled it for mobile devices, but it still works perfectly on the desktop. This is to avoid slow loading on mobile devices and to impact the overall user experience.Few readersHow can I cancel my plan?
To cancel a plan follow these steps: Login to your Dorik account Click on Pricing on your account dashboard’s top navigation bar Now click on Cancel Subscription Select reasons for canellation then click on the Next button ( readersHow to use Components?
Getting Started This article will guide you through how you add saved collections, symbols, and pre-built sections. Add components from the side nav To add components to a site, click the “components” icon from the left panel of the site dashboard. A modal will then open with these three options which can be drag and drop onto your site.: Saved: All saved collections are storFew readersHow to add an Element to a site?
Getting Started This article will guide you through how you can add new elements to your sites. Add Elements from Side Nav Click the + icon from the left panel of your site dashboard. Choose the element type from this panel. Expand any element option (General ElemenFew readersRequest For Guest Posting
We appreciate your interest in collaborating with us! Please take a moment to review our Guest Blogging Guidelines and complete the form. Our content team will carefully review your submission and reply soon.Few readersHow to use Dorik AI
With Dorik AI, you can simply create a fully functional website by writing a short prompt—no coding or design skills are required! 😄 Curious how it works? Check out our step-by-step guide and start building today.Few readersHow do i attach google drive link to a button?
To add a Google Drive link to your button, simply: Set the “Link Type” to “External Link” in your button settings. Paste the Google Drive URL. That’s it! 🎉 For more details, check out this quick guideFew readersWhere can I find the invoice for my subscription please?
Your invoice is sent instantly to your inbox via email. If you don’t see it, please check your SPAM/JUNK folder, as emails sometimes get filtered. You can also check your subscription status anytime by going to: Dashboard → Pricing → My PlansFew readersHow to import JSON on static and CMS site
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for importing JSON files into a static site and CMS site on Dorik. Adding JSON to a Static Site Follow these steps to import JSON into a static site: Select Static Option Navigate to the Sites section and choose the Static option. Create a New Site Click on Create New Site to initiate a new project. Import JSON Locate and click the Import JSON button. Upload the JSON File SFew readers