Articles on: CMS

Gated Content on Custom Collection Items

Getting Started

You may enable membership on any Custom Collection Item or Post to make it exclusively accessible only by members of your site; whether they were invited by you to become a member to they paid for the subscription, you can always use the post access settings to change that.

Changing Post Access in Custom Collection Items

To set access to your custom collection items, follow the steps listed below:

Login to your Dashboard
Click on any Custom Collection from the left panel of your site
Click on the Title of the Custom Collection Item that you want to change access
Click on the Gear icon ⚙️ on the top right corner of your screen
Scroll and find the Post Access option
You may change it to Members Only or Paid Members only according to your preferences

The Screenshots & GIF below show the whole process being demonstrated visually ⬇️

Click on any Custom Collection from your Dashboard

Click on the Title of the Custom Collection Item that you want to change access

Click on the Gear icon ⚙️ on the top right corner of your screen

From the Post Access option, select:
- Members only: If you want the members you invited manually to view the post
- Paid Members: If you want people who have purchased a membership to your site to view that post.


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Updated on: 27/05/2024

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