Blog Post Settings
Getting Started
The blog post settings option has a lot of options that come in handy for various purposes to suit a user’s needs. The blog post editor has everything from changing the post title to adding SEO keywords. Learn more about Blog Post Settings in this article.
Tips 💡
When you make any changes inside the post settings option, always remember to
Update the post
Publish the post
Doing this will reflect the changes in your blog post 💡

Schedule Posts
You can schedule the release Date & time of your Blog Posts within a span of 30 days. Once you schedule your post, it will be saved under `Scheduled` & it will automatically publish on its scheduled date.

💡 To make any changes in your blog post, you need to Clear the Schedule Date & Time first. Once your change is done, you can schedule the post again.
Tour of features
Here is a step-by-step briefing about every feature inside the blog post settings option.
Post Slug
💡 Post slug example: The blue text is your post slug.

The excerpt of your post is usually a short extract from your blog post that gives the viewers an idea about what they could expect from the blog post. Think of it as a teaser before seeing the big picture.

Post Access
This features consists of a dropdown option from which you can set who can access your blog post. You can set it to
Public - Lets everyone from the web read the post.
Members only - Let the members you have added be able to read the post.
Paid Members only - Visitors who have subscribed or purchased a membership on your website can read it.

Thumbnail and Banner Image
Thumbnails and banner images showcase your blog post on your website if you p**opulate an image element** with the “Banner Image” or “Thumbnail Image” CMS Field; they give your site visitors a visual idea about your post. Choosing the right thumbnail or banner images can be very effective in luring visitors.
⬇️ Thumbnail Image

⬇️ Banner Image

Setting post categories helps you and your audience find the topics you are looking for. This is a great way to organize your work; when you have a lot of posts on your blog, using categories can help you find the posts you are looking for when using the category panel from your dashboard.
To learn more about adding categories, refer to this link below:
Add a new Category
You can add multiple authors to your blog post. Up to five authors’ names can be added. And the data of your authors will be fetched from your Invited Team Members list. However, members with access to updated blog posts can change or update the Author names.

SEO Settings
This setting lets you add adjustments to your post to be more SEO-friendly. You can add keywords, index your post, add a canonical URL, and do much more with the SEO Settings feature.
💡 To learn more, refer to the article below
SEO in Blog Posts
Twitter Card
You can customize the Twitter card for your post with the Twitter card option. From adding a Title, Description, adding Image to customizing the card type.

💡 You can customize the card type you want using the Card Type feature.

Open Graph
Open Graph lets you customize what your blog post’s social preview might look like. You can add Title, Description, and add an image in the open graph feature.

Related Articles
Create a blog post
SEO in Blog Posts
Updated on: 14/02/2025
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