Articles on: CMS

Custom Team Member Roles

Getting Started

You can create custom roles for team members on your CMS Site. This article covers how you can add custom roles and how the feature works in detail.

Add Custom Role

To learn how to add a Custom Role for a Team Member, follow the steps below:

- Login to your Site Dashboard
- Go to the Team Member option inside the Settings option
- Click on the Custom Roles button on the top-right of your screen
- Click on the + Add Role button
- Add a name for the Role
- Adding a description is optional;
- Set the permissions for the role
- Press Confirm

Refer to the GIF below to learn how to add a custom role:

Invite a member under a Custom role

To learn how to invite a team member under a custom role, refer to the GIF below:

Access and Limitations

The permission to create a custom role is available to the site owner only. The permissions and functionalities of the custom role feature are listed below:

- The site owner can create as many as 20 roles for Team members on that site.
- The character limit for a role name should not be less than 3 and more than 100
- Upon selecting the Create/Update/Delete action for any custom role, the Read action is automatically selected
- The Invite link sent to an invited Team Member is valid for 24 hours

Resources and Permissions


Resource NameAccessible Features
SiteCustom Domain
Custom CollectionCollections
Design & PageDesign & Pages


ReadUsers can access the feature but cannot create, update or delete
CreateUsers can create and read but cannot update or delete
UpdateUsers can update and read but cannot create or delete
DeleteUsers can delete and read but cannot create or update

Related Articles

Inviting a Team Member

Team Member Roles and Permission

Updated on: 26/05/2024

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