Articles on: CMS

Adding a Table of Contents to your post/item

Getting Started

This article will guide you in adding a table of contents to your Blogs or Custom Collection Item.

How to Add a Table of Contents

- From your CMS site dashboard left pane:
- Click on the Blogs icon to add a table of contents to Blog Posts.
- Click on the Collections icon to add a table of contents to Collection items.

Accessing Blogs

Accessing Custom Collection Item

- Click on the specific Blog Post or Collection Item where you want to add the Table of Contents.

- In the post editor, click the + icon and select Table of Content. Then, publish the blog post or collection item and check the preview.

💡 To style the Table of Contents through your Rich Text element you can follow these steps:

Styling Table of Content

Click on the Table of Content option on the Rich Text Element and start styling the element.

📌 Exclude a post from Sitemap or RSS Feed

📌 Multiple Authors on Blog Posts

Updated on: 11/06/2024

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