Articles on: CMS

Blogs Category

Getting Started

Setting blog categories helps you and your audience find the desired or relevant topics you or they are looking for. This article will guide you through how you can use this option.

Add a new category

Here is the step-by-step procedure on how you can add and set categories to your blog post:

- From the site dashboard, click on the Blogs icon from the left panel.
- Click on Categories under Posts
- Click on the + New Category button
- Set the Category name and the category slug
- Edit, delete, or copy the slug of the existing categories

Step 1: Click on the Blogs icon from the left icon sidebar of your site dashboard

Step 2: Scroll down to the Categories option from Blogs modal.

Step 3: Click on the + New Category button from the right corner

Step 4: Set the Category name and the Category slug and hit the Create Category button.

Customization of Categories

You can edit, delete, or copy the slug of the existing categories.

Copy the category slug.
Edit the category.
Delete the category.

Category Settings

You can customize the category page slug/URL and enable/disable the sitemap for the category page from here. Follow the steps below to access these options:

- By clicking the gear icon(⚙️) from the right corner, you can access this option.

- Slug: You can edit the category page slug from here, just set the slug and then hit the Save Changes button to make it live.

- Sitemap: By default, the sitemap is enabled for category pages. You can disable it by unchecking the corresponding button.

⬇️ You can copy the sitemap URL by clicking this icon(📑)

Adding Categories to blog posts

After creating a new category, you can set that category on your blog post by

- Open the post settings option from a post.
- Scroll down and find the ‘Categories’ panel.
- You will find your created categories as you click on the input field.

Refer to the video below for the demonstration:

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Updated on: 13/06/2024

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