Version History
Getting Started
Version History helps you access previous versions of your web pages by manually or automatically saving page versions. This article covers how you can access and use version control on your website builder; follow all given instructions accordingly.
Accessing Version History
To access and start using Version Control, follow the steps written below:
- Log in to your website
- Click on the Pages(📄) on the left panel of your site dashboard.
- You will find the Version Control option on your top-left near the Home & Page Settings(🔧) option.
Refer to the screenshot below ⏬:

Create Version history
You can create a page version history by clicking on the `+` icon on the top-right corner of the version history modal.
- Give your page version a Name
- Click Save
Refer to the GIF below to see how to create, edit and delete a version history:

⚠️ When a version is created, it is available for that particular page only. You cannot access it from other pages.
Page Version Preview
A preview of that page will be displayed if you click on a saved page version (both manual and autosaved). You can choose to load that version by clicking on the Yes button, and you may click on No if you change your mind.

Autosaved Page Version
There are two types of saved page versions, one is manually which you have already learned about and the other is autosaved page version. An autosave is triggered every ten minutes while you are editing you web page.
Post-Load Saved Version: If you load a previous version of a page, an autosave is triggered which saves the page version that you just loaded back from.
Refer to the Screenshot below to see the demonstration:

💡 Changes made within ten minutes without saving any version will be automatically saved in your version history modal.
Viewing Saved and Autosaved page versions
The option to view your saved and autosave versions is located next to the + icon on the version history panel.
Refer to the Screenshot & GIF below to see how it works:

💡 Changes made within ten minutes without saving any version will be automatically saved in your version history modal.
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Updated on: 28/05/2024
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