Articles on: Website Builder

Save Page as Draft

Getting Started

Saving a page as a draft can help you catch up with your work progress. Your page will not be published which means the draft content on that page will not be publicly visible, but you can access it anytime in your CMS to resume your work. This article will cover the process of saving a page as a draft in your CMS.

Save Page as Draft

To save your page as a draft, follow the steps listed below:

- Login to your CMS Dashboard
- Go to Design and Pages
- Click on the Pages menu on the left-hand side of your website builder
- Click on the dropdown of the page you are building
- Uncheck the “Publish” option and press the Save button
- Your page will be saved as a draft

To see how this is done, you may refer to the screenshots and GIF below:

Updated on: 29/01/2023

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