Global Styles Basics
Getting Started
Global Styles lets you set default styles and parameters for your entire site. The features in Global Styles enhance users’ control over site aesthetics and layouts. With this feature, a user can:-
- Set the default background color
- Set Body/Paragraph typographies
- Change the heading typography
- Tune the container width and default column gap
- Set link colors
Finding the Global Style feature
Click on the Global Styles option from left panel of your site dashboard. Refer to the screenshot below: ⬇️

Body Background
You can set your sites global background (color, gradient, image) from here. This setting will applicable for your whole sites.
Refer to the GIF below to see how it works: ⬇️

Body / Paragraph Typography
In this option, you can update the global settings for paragraph typography across your entire site.

1️⃣ Font Family: Choose the global default font family of all Text except Heading from here.
2️⃣ Font Weight: Select the desired font weight based on your font and preference.
3️⃣ Font Style: Choose the font style (italic or others) according to your font.
4️⃣ Text Size: Set the font size here.
5️⃣ Spacing & Line Height: Adjust the default line height and paragraph spacing for the site.
6️⃣ Color: Set the default text color for the entire site.
Heading Typography
Here, you can update the global settings for all Heading/Title element across your entire site.

1️⃣ Heading Typography: Select the heading styles (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6) and customize the settings for each style you choose.
2️⃣ Font Family: Choose the global default font family for the Heading/title element.
3️⃣ Font Weight: Select the desired font weight based on your font and preference.
4️⃣ Font Style: Choose the font style (italic or others) according to your font.
5️⃣ Text Size: Set the font size here.
6️⃣ Spacing & Line Height: Adjust the default line height and title spacing for the site.
7️⃣ Color: Set the default title color for the entire site.
Container & Column
Set the default container or column width and the gap between them for the entire site here.

Link Style
In here, you can select the color and underline effect for all the links on your site.

Related Articles
Fonts | Global Styles
Global Colors | Global Styles
Updated on: 28/05/2024
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