Articles on: Common Styles

Custom CSS

Getting Started

You can customize the style of any section, container, or element using the Custom CSS feature. This article provides an introduction to this feature and guides you through its use.

How to Access the Custom CSS Option?

To access it, open the editorial modal of the section/container/row/column/element. Click on the Advanced tab, and scroll down to find the Custom CSS option.

Click on the Edit(📝) option of any section/container/row/column/element. An Editor modal will open then.

Go the Advanced tab from that modal.

Scroll down to find the Custom CSS option and expand it. Within this section, you have the option to add:
- General CSS: Change how the selected thing looks.
- 'Before' CSS: Add stuff before the selected thing.
- 'After' CSS: Add stuff after the selected thing.

🚨 Refer to the demo CSS code pattern written in the CSS fields to understand the required format for writing CSS code in this field.

💡 The custom CSS option applies only to the specific section, container, or element you select. You cannot reference other elements within it.

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Updated on: 02/06/2024

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